Rabu, 03 September 2008

So Called Global Threat of Disease Cardiovascular

Your soybean cake, disease of murderer number one in world? If cancer or diabetes is your answer, provide against the fact from WHO of following: Each; Every two second, one people in world die because disease cardiovascular. Yes, disease of cardiovascular prayer beads have as the root cause death and handicap in all the world. Come on recognize the disease cardiovascular of so that we can determine the a step in the right direction face the this global threat
According To Chief of Gathering of Indonesia Hypertension at the same time Senior cardiologist from RS of Heart and Our Expectation Vein, Dr. Arieska Ann Soenarta, Sp.Jp(K), disease cardiovascular represent an word used to denote trouble causing heart sickness (cardio) and venous (vascular).
There is three form of disease cardiovascular, namely:
o Heart sickness of Coroner is vein disease which heart supply. Its implication cover the infark miocard (heart attack), angina (pain in bone chest), and aritmia (abnormal heart rhythm)
o Disease Serebrovascular is vein disease which brain supply. Its implication cover the stroke (damage of brain cell of because lack of blood supply) and transient ischemic attack (damage of whereas at eyesight, ability converse, feel or movement.
o Disease of Vascular perifer is vein disease which supply of hand and foot/feet causing to feel the pain which just come and go, and also feel the pain of because cramps of muscle of foot/feet of sport moment.

Real Impact of Disease Cardiovascular
Complete Formulation of fact which have been mentioned previously shall be as follows, happened by one death of effect of disease cardiovascular of each; every two second, heart attack of each; every five second and effect of stroke of each; every six second. Every year estimated by 17 million people die effect of disease cardiovascular
In the year 2005, mortality of effect of disease cardiovascular reach 17,5 million. Around 7,6 million is among others happened by because heart sickness of coroner and 5,7 million because stroke. Estimated by a global death effect of disease cardiovascular reach around 25 million in the year 2020.
For a while from around 10 million people in safe world from stroke every year, more than 5 million among others experience of the permanent handicap, so that become the separate burden to family and society. In the year 2020, disease cardiovascular estimated to occupy the higher level position above contagion as biggest handicap cause in the world.

Recognize the Cause of Disease Cardiovascular
Heart attack and stroke especially because of aterosclerosis (fat heaping) at wall of vein artery which supply of heart and brain. Cumulative Deposit Fat cause formed [his/its] is peaky old ones too long will be thick and big so that narrow the artery and pursue the blood stream. Finally vein will ossify and have the character of less limber
Trouble Cardiovascular caused by aterosklerosis related to to decrease [it] blood stream of because heart and brain [do] not accept the blood supply which enough. Resistance of blood stream hereinafter can cause [at] more serious episode cardiovascular is including heart attack and stroke
Existence of blood cork also can cause the happening of break network in artery which later; then will swell and can pursue entire/all vein so that result the heart attack or stroke.

Take heed the Symptom and Factor of Risk of Disease Cardiovascular
One matter which require to be taken heed the, individual with the disease cardiovascular in general [do] not experience of the symptom. Sign of initially can be in the form offing heart attack or stroke. Public Symptom of heart attack cover the pain or feel is not delicious [in] chest, hand, left shoulder, elbow, or back. Other symptom include; cover the asphyxia, queasy and vomit, feel to float or faint the, sweat chilled, and seen to by turn pale the
Public Symptom from stroke is weakening it face, hand and foot/feet, oftentimes at one body side. Other symptom include; cover the sudden episode like insensible [in] face, hand or foot/feet, confuse, difficult converse and comprehend the discussion, difficult see side or [both/ second] eye, difficult walk, confused, lose balance the, hard headache without cause, and faint
There are a number of factor causing someone to be risk to disease cardiovascular. This Risk factor is divided to become two group, able to be controlled and uncontrolable. 80 % of heart sickness of coroner and cerebrovascular of because of risk factor able to be controlled.
Risk factor able to be controlled high blood Cholesterol rate, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Life style (less move the, cigarette, consume the abundant alcohol. Uncontrolable risk factor Age, Gender, History of Disease cardiovascular in family.

Become, What Can Be conducted
It is true, cannot be conducted by intervention to uncontrolable risk factor. Age, gender, and history of disease cardiovascular in family represent the improbability altered. Real step hereinafter only how manage of risk factor able to be controlled.
Its fact, about 75 % of disease cardiovascular in all the world because of conventional risk factor is including obesity, less physical activity, and tobacco usage (cigarette). For a while in developed countries, one-third disease cardiovascular caused by five risk factor namely tobacco, alcohol, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity.
That risk factor able to be controlled by more dominant have contribution to as cause of disease cardiovascular. although Medication can be conducted at most of all form of disease cardiovascular is including hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes mellitus, but all that come home to individual to run healthy life pattern. As possible avoid the risk factor able to cause the disease cardiovascular represent the best step able to be conducted.

(Nita.www.medicastore.com obtained on the date of 27 august 2008)

Take heed the your waist circumference

Fatness which is in general marked with this bay window have come to the new epidemic [in] world, do not aside from Indonesia. Some people possible there is still trusting myth that fatness with the prosperity. Though bay window make the owner of body to heart sickness and diabetes mellitus of related to risk cardiometabolic.
According to dr Sunarya Soerianata, Spjp (K), heart expert from Our RS Expectation Heart, " Heart sickness And stroke represent the compared to by highest death cause of cancer, diabetes and undercarriage channel disease."
Laboratory inspection needn't be costly to know the risk you'd cardiometabolic. Its way enough easy to and cheap that is with measuring your waist circumference. Circular size measure of waist in the reality can be used as by a parameter to know the risk to disease of effect of the indisposed life style.

Risk Kardiometabolik Is not Disease
Risk cardiometabolic by x self is not disease but represent a group of trouble which by xself and also together can improve the risk to heart sickness and diabetes.
risk cardiometabolic (cardiometabolic risk / CMR) consisted of by the risk factors able to be altered, facilitating people rentan to disease of diabetes type 2 and heart sickness. A number of the factors emerge by klinic in specific group.
dr Sunarya Soerianata, Spjp ( K), what also act as the executor deputy 16th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology that goes on April month;moon 2007 [in] this Bali explain, there is risk factor pertained by as risk factor " classic" and there is pertained " new". Follow the example of the risk factor " classic" for example high blood pressure, cholesterol LDL ( virulent cholesterol) and blood sugar is often evaluated and handled by doctor.
As for considered to be by other factors of risk factor " new" for example excess of stomach fat, cholesterol HDL ( good cholesterol), resistensi insulin (disability of response body and use the insulin), and also peradangan (low rate adiponektin or high rate C-Reactive protein). dr Sunarya, Spjp enhance that risk factor " new" this since long time less paid attention.
In this last yrs., subdividing of factors CMR progressively draw attention because that factors often arise at a time. The example, almost 26% from entire/all underage adult in all the world 60 year known to have [at] least three from five factors CMR which is the including in criterion of syndrome metabolik.

Realize The Danger of Stomach Fat
Excess of stomach Fat (abdominal intra obesity) or conglomeration of fat network in stomach, relate to the other factors CMR like improvement of trigliserida and blood sugar
Research into to indicate that the network adiposa (fat network) not merely representing place of fat relocation, but also active endocrine organ discharging certain and chemicals into body knew to influence the metabolism and system cardiovasculer.
"Abdominal excelsior intra obesity of hence rate HDL will go down meaning to lower of proteksi body to aterosklerosis ( venous stricture by fat)," express the dr Sunarya, Spjp.

Release of this look vitamin and Chemicals is contribution can to growth of factors CMR of like high trigliserida and make-up of blood sugar, improving someone risk to diabetes and heart sickness.
Become, by owning bay window or equally high stomach fat hence can improve the risk expand [it] disease of diabetes type 2, that is diabetes which is most commonly happened [at] society with the indisposed life style
Do not surprise if prediction of patient diabetes in Indonesia will go up from 6,7% population in the year 2000 becoming 10,6% population in the year 2030.

Circular Size measure of Waist as Marker
Usually, fatness measured with the index of a period of/to body (BMI), however invention recently indicate that the stomach fatness represent the more accurate sign for the prediction of heart attack of than weight of body or BMI
dr. Sunarya, Spjp agree that measuring waist circumference represent a[n simple measurement and succeed to detect one who will experience of the other diabetes heart sickness and.
Pursuant to research, circular size measure of waist owning big risk is ? 88 cm for the woman of and ? 102 cm for the man of. But, the size measure valid for American race, for the Indonesia of its boundary is smaller.
Many progress have been reached to lessen the certain prevalensi factors CMR is including high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Nevertheless, there is still around 17 million people in all the world dying because heart sickness every year.
Strategy of Handling kardiometabolik which is always assumed effective is by education is society especially patient of because risk kardiometabolik can be altered. But, prevention always better than cure. For the things not yet become the patient, urged to keep in good health and start to experience the healthy life style.
dr. Sunarya, Spjp also wish to remind to society of concerning size measure of stomach fat able to be used as by marker for the heart sickness of and diabetes. Circular of waist is easy to measured and can be conducted by everybody, do not aside from with the you.

( Scientific. www.medicastore.com obtained on the date of 27 august 2008)